Hi!! My name is Julia Ma. I like to make things, whether it be technology, art, or a combination of both. I call my projects "physical puns" as they are often built upon some word play. I am currently a software engineer on the Google Surveys team.
In June 2012, I received my Masters degree in Media Arts and Sciences from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. My research in the Viral Spaces group was focused on technology that brings people relevant information in a location-based context.
Before the Media Lab, I served in the US Air Force as a Communications Engineering officer for 4 years. I was stationed at Robins AFB in Warner Robins, GA with the 5th Combat Communications Group. The best part of my job was when I was the group's Plans and Operations Flight Commander, which basically meant that I had a hand in almost everything that happened in our group of 700+ people.
In 2006, I graduated from the California Institute of Technology with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering. I also did summer research projects between the school years which included researching and implementing surface mesh algorithms and consulting for the Air Force Research Labs. I am a Lloydie and a Rudd.
In my free time, I enjoy blowing glass and making things.
Please browse and enjoy my portfolio. I have also included links to my profiles on social networking sites and my resumé.